Schedule a call with Gregory
Agency Co-Founder
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Calculation calculator for your business model

You’ll understand how much you can earn and how much money you need to invest. And you will find out if it will be profitable to work with our team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our typical client is an SME (small and medium-sized business), which is already doing well in business, and with our help it will get even better.

If you simplify the characteristics of our customers, these are business owners who have already grown themselves to revenues of 150 million rubles a year (or have the desire and resources to do so) and next year want to grow to 250-300 million rubles.

In terms of business types, we have an ethical rule - do not take more than one client from a niche, do not work with forbidden or controversial topics and do not work with those who we know will not be able to help.